The Challenge Continues..

Better late than never should be the title of this blog. Remember September ( I know it feels like 20 months ago)? Well, during that time on Instagram (and this blog) we discussed the RAW 3 day detox challenge. If you don’t recall, just scroll down a post or two ago and you will land at the RAW Detox Post which will guide you with recipes and advice on how to complete a 3 day RAW Vegan Meal Prep. So I had a few people join the challenge with me and they gave me their personal opinion on it:

+ “Smoothies are easy for me. I can do smoothies for every meal.”

+ “It was a bit much for me about 1.5 days- I think I should have detoxed before starting.”

+ “It wasn’t bad”

+ “I lost a few pounds”

+ “I lost two pounds”

+ “I was grocery prepared than mental, but I got my parents to do it with me and they were pretty good accountability partners.”

assorted fruit lot on brown wooden table

My personal opinion on the challenge is different since this has been my third or fourth time. I was hungry the first evening but that was to be expected. However, this was my first time meal prepping EVERYTHING! Prior to it, I would just buy salads and raw dishes from local restaurants ( I use to live downtown which made life easier to access all the good vegan places). Every night I stayed up to prep for the next day and by Day 2, I was pissed at the amount of time I was spending making meals for everyone ( hubby, myself and my child who eats a normal diet since she is 1 and because I SAID SO…argue with yourself before you try me)J

My mind was sharp and I felt in control with my emotions. 2020 has been a tough road for my little family and the raw foods calmed my spirits. My husband felt the same way and wanted to continue. I was sick of prepping and said we will figure out a strategy for next time. Otherwise I would totally do it again! And I plan to…right after Thanksgiving J

This time I will prep all 3 days as best as possible and provide more smoothies. My fave recipes included the juices and RAW Tacos!!!! So bomb. Follow me on Instagram at naturally.cocoa and join the upcoming challenge. Details will be on the gram!

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