Mind, Body + Baby Series. part 1

Hey yall! Some of you may already be sick of hearing me talk about babies + mom life… then this isn’t the blog for you lol. I wanted to create a special series relatable for all people but particularly…women. Motherhood is a long, 24/7, 365, beautiful, tiring, crazy, chaotic, overwhelming, joyful, marvelous experience that I am fortunate to be a part of. The picture I have used to explain my motherhood journey is not to brag about the “snapback”. We women have enough pressure to be perfect. However, this picture illustrates my health journey, which I take very seriously.  

This blog series will discuss: Nutrition + Fertility, Pregnancy, and Post Partum mental health + wellness.

* I am not a doctor so if you have specific questions + needs, make an appointment with your OBGYN or PCP to answer all of them. Every BODY is different and unique.

My husband and I really wanted to have a child. And fortunately she came- without any difficulty. However, in my circle of friends, infertility has been brought up as a topic that many of them had experienced. It left me nervous because I have friends who are healthier than me struggling to this day. So when Tony and I discussed about starting a family, we immediately changed some lifestyle habits.

We both cut off smoking (hookah and other things) and began drinking less. The drinking less was harder for me. We all have our vises and being West Indian, my family DRINKS-so this was admittedly the toughest challenge that I had. Next, I limited my amount of greasy fast food I would eat on occasion. I also wanted to save money as well so it was a win/win. I don’t drink a lot of water so I forced myself to consume 1 gallon a day and stuck fruit and mint in it to jazz it up.

Image result for maca powder

We also pushed to eat more meatless meals, which has now become part of our household ((and instagram stories)). I incorporated Organic Maca Powder in my morning breakfast shakes. It is considered a “superfood” and is a powder that comes from the maca plant. It is intended to increase energy as well at the libido. It also contains: iron, calcium, magnesium, and amino acids. I used it because my previous boss, who is a Cardiologist, often bragged about its fertility benefits.

So for about a month, I scooped it into a smoothie and it was DISGUSTING! But I wanted a baby so I forced my husband to take it as well ( of course) and a month later- I was pregnant. Now I will say that we also made sure to have sex during my ovulation time and you can check that with an app ( I used  FLO app). These are all tips that hopefully can help you if you are working towards a baby journey. I’m not sure if all of them contributed to our success, but I do know Nutrition is important for health in general.  Ladies, don’t be hard on yourself + I wish nothing but success in your future.   

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