3 Day RAW Plant Based Challenge!

Hey Ya’ll! I’m back with ANOTHER CHALLENGE!

This pandemic has caused all of us to stay at home, become inactive and eat whatever we have available..which is fine while on survival mode.

Now we are still in the midst of the pandemic BUT we can start working out more and focus on our health. I have been eating all the wrong things! My body feels sluggish and (TMI) my regular bowel movements have been kinda off schedule. When I added this challenge on Instagram stories- I was surprised at the number of people willing to join in the detox. It made me feel good knowing we have all been looking for a clean start. So this is the clean start.

A 3 day RAW DETOX Challenge.

three yellow orange and green juice in clear drinking glasses

Take a journey with me and follow a RAW Plant Based Regimen for 3 days! You may ask when does it start?? AND my answer is: THIS MONTH! In the month of September 2020- pick 3 days out of the week to focus on eating raw uncooked fruits and vegetables ALL DAY. Juices and Smoothies included! Now you may say…girl bye. But hear me out!! Eating uncooked fruits and vegetables will allow your body a chance to receive all of the vitamins and minerals that are generally lossed when cooked.  

 If this challenge is just “too much” incorporate 1 RAW Plant based meal a day. It’s all about the effort. I have created a meal plan with links to all of the recipes in the table below the plan. Make sure you start this challenge while you are in town and near a bathroom. Raw Fruits and Veggies will go through you pretty quickly. Eat/Drink as much as you want and as often as you like. Now is not the time to count calories. Take pics of your meals and follow my Instagram: naturally.cocoa while I travel this journey with my family. I’ll be keeping you posted on grocery list and food demos soon- be on the look out!

Day 1Day 2Day 3
Tropical Carrot SmoothieCitrus Zinger JuiceHealthy Mary Juice
Garden Party JuiceCaribbean SmoothieImmunity Boosting Smoothie
Raw Vegan SushiGreen Beauty JuiceGreen Salad with Tahini
Banish Belly JuiceVegan NachosNot Easy Being Green Smoothie
Raw TacosVegan Pad ThaiSpicy Chickpea Broccoli Salad
Each Meal is a hyperlink to the recipe

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