Why coffee when i have…Sea moss?!

Hey y’all!

First off… I pray you + your loved ones are safe! This quarantine life is so draining and the constant pull towards working longer hours, staying on social media and watching TV has really taken a toll on everyone’s physical and mental health!

 Now is not the time to fall into old habits of sedentary activities! Though we are still in the dark about this virus and how it affects everyone so differently, we can only focus on one thing….“control the controllables”.

What can you control now? For the Howard household, we have always been pro active in nutrition and physical activity. We decided to keep this routine and add a few additional vitamins/nutrients for a great immune system. One of them being… Sea Moss.

Irish Sea Moss Gel

Algae has always been around!

In fact, prior to the Sea Moss wave, I use to take blue green algae pills recommended by my previous employer at the time, in his plant based wellness clinic. I don’t remember feeling a difference in energy but was told about its numerous health benefits; including the potential to lower cholesterol and blood sugar. Spirulina had limited studies and even though I continued to believe in its benefits…it was hurting my pockets. The pills weren’t cheap.. So I ditched it and moved on with life.

4 years later, algae comes back into my life again in the form of Irish Sea Moss Gel. Irish Sea Moss is a part of the red algae family. Great benefits- Rich in antioxidants, magnesium, potassium, vitamin C and more! Now that I am older and quite frankly more exhausted…I need to SEE the benefits for myself; which I did! I noticed an increase amount of energy… and it’s easy on the pockets too.

As a new mom, I would run to the coffee maker every morning to get that boost. Ever since I began adding the gel into my smoothie, I no longer feel the need to drink coffee. My energy was there! I have a very busy job in which I work 9 hours a day AND play daycare with my little one. My brain can be all over the place but the sea moss really allows me to be alert. I notice a difference if I miss a day of my smoothie! Now I do have a doctor’s appointment next month and I am curious as to how my blood work will look. I will keep you updated but for those who are looking for some energy- give the Irish Sea Moss Gel a try. Make sure to buy from a reputable source! You can make it on your own as well. I plan to make it in the kitchen and post the recipe in the near future.

Stay Safe!

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